Should You Adopt a Customer Satisfaction Selling Style?

Everyone has a different style of selling, but some can leave customers feeling less than satisfied with their decision to purchase from you. While this might not impact your bottom line immediately, down the road, unsatisfied customers leads to higher customer turnover and less sales. Customer Satisfaction Selling, the method of going above and beyond for customers in exchange for their time and attention, has become the top selling style for many sales leaders. Let’s break down how it works and if you should try it on as your own sales style.

Why Customers Make a Purchase

To understand how you can satisfy customers, you first have to explore the reasons a customer might make a purchase in the first place. While there are a number of reasons, the following are core actions a sales person can take that prompt a customer to sign on the dotted line:

  1. You catered to the customer’s value system

When you adapt your presentation to meet your customer’s value system, you are much more likely to get them to buy. Understanding their value system means researching the customer before you even design the presentation. If you’re stuck on what makes your customers tick, conducting a survey is a great way to identify the primary values that matter to your prospects and customers.  

  1. The product or service was tailored to the customer’s needs

Catering to the wants and needs of your prospects is vital to closing a deal and keeping customers happy, especially because a great product or service can only get you so far. Listen to prospects throughout sales calls and continue researching customers to learn how you can tailor your product or service to meet their needs.

  1. You clearly showed how your company is superior to other options

With a rise in competition for nearly every industry, sales reps have to work harder than ever to give the customer the confidence that their company is better than all the rest. Providing clear examples of how your company supports customers long after the sale or other ways you provide value is a great way to oust the competition and keep customers happy. 

  1. The value proposition you presented is worth the cost

A key component of any sales pitch is the value proposition. This is when you take a moment to share the specific benefits the customer will get from your product or service and guide them through their own unique use-case. Because the customer can see the value they’ll get from your company, the cost won’t be as much of a hurdle for them.

  1. It’s easy for the customer to make a purchase

If you make the sales process too difficult or convoluted, chances are you’ll turn the customer away before they make a purchase. Don’t bog them down with endless financing options or a messy product mix. Instead, provide simple options for the customer to select from including online ordering or a single financing platform. 

  1. They trust that you’re a knowledgeable salesperson

A salesperson who has comprehensive knowledge of your products and services is a key reason why customers buy. Someone who can answer the customer’s questions and address all their concerns gives the customer a high level of trust and willingness to purchase.

Why Customers Reject a Purchase

The flip side of closing a deal, of course, is losing one. To ensure customer satisfaction, you have to understand the core reasons someone might reject your offer. Here are three core reasons why a customer might deny a deal: 

  1. You didn’t address customer objections

If you spend too much time on the details of your product or service rather than addressing a customer’s concerns, they won’t purchase from you. Successful selling requires sales reps to predict objections and provide answers to them before the customer even has a chance to ask. 

  1. You didn’t show the value and quality of the product or service

Even if you’re the most expensive provider in your market, clearly displaying the value your product or service provides can change how a customer feels about price. Instead, tailor the presentation to the specific values and level of quality each customer receives from their purchase to close the deal. 

  1. There was no post-close or follow up

Just because the ink is dry doesn’t mean the sale is over. Remember, customers spent quite some time with you and don’t want to feel like just another deal in your book. Instead, connect with the customer post-close to ensure they are satisfied or follow up with project wait times or details of the product delivery. 

The Keys to Customer Satisfaction Selling

Now that you know what it takes to win - and lose - a customer, let’s explore what satisfaction actually means to customers. The customer's perception of satisfaction falls into one of three categories when it comes to their investment in your company’s products or services:

  • They're satisfied 
  • They're dissatisfied 
  • They’re neutral

Most people fall into one of the first two categories. Your goal is to turn dissatisfied customers around by alleviating the dissatisfaction and connecting with those who have no feelings one way or another. How do you know how the customer is feeling? You can provide customer satisfaction surveys to current customers to understand how their sales experience went and where you may be able to improve for future customers. During the sales process, you can also employ surveys to better understand how a prospect is feeling as they move through the funnel. 

Boost Credibility With Your Customers

Credibility is a key player in customer satisfaction selling. People rarely buy when they don't fully understand the value of what you’re selling and misunderstandings can easily hurt the credibility of your product or service. These misunderstandings usually happen when either a trusted third party or online research the customer performs has given them incorrect or invalid information. By presenting the value of your product using sales enablement tools and engaging presentations, you can immediately add credibility to your product, your service and your price.

Build Rapport Early and Often

Establishing a rapport with customers is key to keeping them satisfied. It requires building trust which is a result of three things: 

  • Listening - People appreciate when you genuinely listen to them. It’s essential that sales reps are trained to listen and pick up on buying cues from the customer during the presentation
  • Responding - The easiest way to show you’ve been listening is to provide authentic responses. It gives the impression that you are endorsing their values and will understand any objections they might have.
  • Engaging- Finally, customers need you to engage with them and explore their objections. When they feel like you’re engaging with them from the start, it makes it easier to uncover concerns. 

Polish Up Your Post-Close 

An often overlooked part of any style of selling is the post-close experience. Not only can going back and visiting customers lead to deepened customer satisfaction, but it also can generate more referrals. Take time after the deal is closed to stay in touch with the customer by communicating project wait times, connecting them with your Customer Success team or checking in on product delivery times. 

Contact Ingage for a Presentation

The Customer Satisfaction Selling style encourages building stronger connections with customers while ensuring all of their needs are not just met, but exceeded. While keeping your customers satisfied is something you always want to do when selling, following these tips can help you grow an even happier customer base. 

Ready to exceed expectations? Contact Ingage today to learn how interactive and dynamic presentation software can grow even better connections and customer satisfaction.

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